Hyunggwan Kim / Joonhyung Lee / Soojong Jang / Asahi Sugai / Ayako Kurihara

Venue: HRD Fine Art
Date: February 11 - March 4, 2023
Hours: Thu 11:00am - 3:00pm / Fri & Sat 11:00am - 7:00pm
Closed: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed (Open by appointment)

HRD Fine Art is pleased to announce a group exhibition of five artists from Korea and Japan, titled "Interface," on view from February 11th through March 4th. This show is co-curated by HRD Fine Art and Soojong Jang, and is positioned as a sequel to "Framework," a group show held in February 2020, exhibiting artworks by three Korean artists (Hyunggwan Kim, Joonhyung Lee, Soojong Jang) and two Japanese artists (Ayako Kurihara, Asahi Sugai).

"Interface" is a word to represent something that connects or put together two different things, worlds, or systems. In the modern, borderless world, interface can take diverse forms. Interface can bring about fruitful interaction, or it can end up in harmful friction. And, in the form of art festivals and local art events, people often expect art to function as some sort of social interface.

In this exhibition, five artists from Korea and Japan create and present various "interfaces" through their artworks: interface between two different nations/cultures; interface between artworks (artists) and society (audience); and interface in the contactless age of COVID-19. We hope that the show provides an opportunity for the viewers to re-examine the meaning and significance of "interface" in our life.

Hyunggwan Kim
"Untitled 2" | carbon paper drawing on paper | 32x24cm | 2005

Joonhyung Lee
"untitled" | oil on cardboard | 45x34x2.5cm | 2022

Soojong Jang
"reflection of 12th" (from "Shadow Mirror" series) | mixed media on paper | 60x60cm | 2023

Ayako Kurihara
"Landscape in a Grid - Honmoku Pier" | acrylic, Polaroid film | 8.8x10.8cm | 2023

Asahi Sugai
"de cometis 1698" | cyanotype, acrylic gel medium, silver leaf on panel | 36x48cm | 2022
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