Sungfeel Yun: Panta Rhei

Venue: HRD Fine Art
Date: August 18 - September 23, 2017 (Open on Friday and Saturday / otherwise by appointment)
Hours: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Opening reception: August 18, Friday, 5:00-7:00pm

Co-host: Space O'NewWall, Seoul

HRD FINE ART is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of Korean artist Sungfeel Yun titled "Panta Rhei," which opens on August 18th and runs through late-September. Yun has been actively creating and exhibiting artwork in Korean and in UK, but this will be his first exhibition held in Japan.

Born in 1977 in Daejeon, Korea, Sungfeel Yun studied Humanities and Social Science before acquiring BA in Art at Goldsmith College, University of London. He then earned his MA in Sculpture at Slade School of Fine Art, University College London. He has won a number of awards, as well as held and participated in many solo and group exhibitions worldwide.

Yun's work ranges from moving sculptures that are meticulously crafted to apparently more conventional paintings on canvas and steel sculptures. However varied his methods may be, his works are unmistakably consistent throughout: that is, he always deals with notions such as chaos, order, and circulation Å| those fundamental rules of the natural world that surrounds us. The title of this exhibition, "panta rhei" is a phrase attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, which means "everything flows or changes." Like a river, everything in this world keeps moving on, never staying in one same place, rendering itself truly elusive. All of Yun's works derives from a question, "how should we cope with or survive such uncertainty or elusiveness?"

This show will include the artist's signature mechanically-driven moving sculptures, paintings, and steel sculptures.

"Chaotic Cosmos 01" | iron powder, wood glue on canvas | 80.3x80.3cm | 2017

"Chaotic Cosmos 02" | iron powder, wood glue on canvas | 80.3x80.3cm | 2017

"Energy 27" | stainless steel, urethane paint | 75x22x21cm | 2016
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