We are pleased to announce the fourth exhibition of "DEMADO CONTEMPORARY ART PROJECT" titled "Treasured Memory BoxÅh (Tamatebako-dou) by artist
Kumi Kawashima.
Kawashima is an installation/sculpture artist based in Kumamoto. She deals with familiar theme subjects such as dream, memory and nostalgia, and has exhibited works with a touch of fantasy in an affectionate manner. She has also incorporated site-specificity and interactivity to her installation works and projects.
ÅgTreasured Memory BoxÅh is an interactive installation project which involves participation of the audience, presenting an imaginary store that sells Tamatebako, a small casket that appears in a famous Japanese folktale, Urashima-taro*, a similar story to Rip van Winkle.
The participant in this project will be asked to recollect their best, or happiest moment in life that they treasure, and write it down on a piece of paper, without showing it to anyone. The artist then puts the paper ? or the memory ? in the box (Tamatebako) she made and seals the box, and exhibit it in the window gallery turned shop window of Tamatebako-dou, the Treasured Memory Box Store. The participant will not be able to take their own box with them, but they can purchase someone elseÅfs box instead, signed and numbered by the artist, as a piece artwork. Thus, each participant will keep someone elseÅfs best memory, though without knowing its content, while their own memory will be kept by someone with great care.
This exhibition aims at questioning the nature of memory and what it is all about to remember/recollect the past moments. Even if you might have shared the same space and time with other people, each of them will have quite different memories from the ÅgsameÅh experience. Recollecting your memories and putting them down in words forges up new stories and new interpretations, but you cannot avoid relying on the act of renewing when bringing back memories.
We expect this exhibition will, while presenting a visualized metaphor to collective memory, induce the audience to ponder over their own memories once again as well as give a small clue to living a life more richly.